I can't raise my hand high or fast enough :)
Ice cream is comfort food. There is never an inappropriate time to indulge. Look at my surroundings. These photos were taken today. Yet, all I can think about is throwing down a nice bowl. Maybe it's the snow :)
A few months ago I came across the brand "Halo Top" that claims their entire pint of lo cal ice cream is 240 calories. :/ Can you imagine being able to eat an entire pint of cool, creamy, goodness that will only cost you the equivalent of doing a few loads of laundry? I've been trying to find the "eat the whole pint" brand of ice cream for months, and lo and behold my local Shop Rite in Poughkeepsie, NY has started carrying them. They were on sale for $2.88 a pint, so I decided to try them out.
The lemon cake flavor, which is my favorite cake-cake, seemed to be amongst the popular flavors, so I decided to go for that one. Of course you can't go wrong with chocolate, so I scooped that one up too.
By the time I arrived home, it had already thawed to that perfect slightly softened consistency, so for breakfast I had 2 scoops.
Lemon Cake
Creamy, sweet, slight tang, not too tangy. Tastes like lemon sorbet but creamier. If I closed my eyes and visualized, it would be a lemon creamsicle flavor. I thought it would have cake bits in it, but then this pint would be more than 240 calories. Good flavor. Would definitely buy again. Chocolate
Tastes like a tootsie roll. It has a similar flavor to the no sugar added fudgesicles which I like. It's not too sweet which I can appreciate because you can really get all the flavor without the sugar. You definitely get the presence of salt. For me a slight tad too much. Some might not notice as it may be necessary to enhance the the flavor. Overall, I did like the chocolate, so I am on a quest to seek out the rest of the flavors once my store carries the full flavor line. Fingers crossed.
One thing I will add is that although I was on a quest to eat the whole pint, after a few scoops I couldn't. I felt full. I noticed the "good source of protein" label on the front and then I knew why. I'm sure if you really wanted to eat the whole thing you could, but save some for another snowy day. You'll definitely want more. :)